Background Life Coach Certification Academy-by Yudy Cid

Coach Now Certification

Reserva tu cupo y conoce todas las herramientas que necesitas para comenzar tu negocio de coaching profesional. ¡Convierte tu pasión en tu profesión!
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Product Subtotal
Reserva tu asiento: Certificación de Life Coach  × 1 $250.00
Subtotal $250.00
Total $250.00

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Product Subtotal
Reserva tu asiento: Certificación de Life Coach  × 1 $250.00
Subtotal $250.00
Total $250.00


  • Send $250.00 via Zelle or from your bank.

    Here are the Zelle details you should know for the transfer

    Zelle Name: Yudy Cid
    Zelle Email:
    Zelle Phone: +16462343160

    Please use your Order Number (available once you place order) as the payment reference.

    After paying, please come back here and place the order below so we can start processing your order.

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